Meeting All of Your Secondary Aluminum Needs
At Spectro Alloys, we don’t just produce and sell aluminum – we provide solid sourcing solutions. Our market knowledge can help you save money and gain an edge over your competition. We offer a full range of AA specification die cast and foundry alloys, as well as lower cost alternatives like NASAAC and RSI. We service customers regionally and internationally, from one stack at a time to dozens of loads per week.
Your Questions
How can I lower my aluminum costs?
What alternatives do I have to spec material?
Can I reliably meet my customer’s expectations with lower cost input material?
What investment is required before I can utilize alternatives to spec material?
How do I take advantage of opportunities when market conditions change?
Our Solutions
Flexible Metal Procurement
Hedging Solutions
Technical Support
Price Risk Management
Market Intelligence
Scrap Tolling or Purchasing
The Recycling Process


Recycling at Spectro uses some of the most advanced technology found anywhere in the industry. Here’s how aluminum gets recycled at our facility:
Aluminum scrap arrives at Spectro.
Spectro sorts, melts, and converts the scrap into aluminum ingots.
The ingots are taken away and used for products we use every day.
Our Quality Policy
Spectro Alloys sets quality objectives throughout the organization to ensure customer satisfaction while supporting the success of suppliers, team members, shareholders and the local community.
The primary objective of our Quality Management System is customer satisfaction, which we monitor and measure through repeat business, customer generated feedback, continuous improvement and monthly management review.
Customer Resources (PDFs)
Products SDS Sheets